Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Confessions of a Glam Girl- The Social Media Darlings I Love

Posted by Elisabeth Bass at 22:14
A few years ago I realized I was obsessed with fashion. It may have started when my luggage was lost, never to return that I realized how much I really loved my clothes. Or it may have been when the insurance adjuster looking after the claim pointed out that she had NEVER seen such a detailed account of items, brands, color, original price, store purchased at and purchase date. Or it could have been when I started to take notice of retailers- the progressive ones that is; offering a culture in addition to an item. Regardless of the reason something captivated me and there was no turning back.

Culture is hard to explain to non fashion people. Culture is how you feel when you think of a brand. It's evident in the design and layout of the stores, the music being played, the design and content of the website, and through advertising- traditional as well as new media. Once I realized this culture existed I was done for- I had to know everything about this magical world where everyone was chic and polished. I will admit this was impossible, after all I'm a small town girl- from Canada. Designer fashion in my home town is putting on Lululemons instead of Walmart sweats to attend dinner at the local steakhouse (I'm not kidding- that really happens).

Enter the WWW world of explorer, twitter, facebook, youtube, well you get where I'm going with this. In any event the online world of social media became my connection to the real world. I fell in cyber love with everything glam. Along the way some fabulous fashion girls on the social media scene captured my heart- and hours of sleep (NYC Girls that's for you- its hard to keep up with you if I sleep later than 4am). Here's tribute to my social media darlings and why I love them:

@Moxsie (San Francisco based indie fashion shopping portal):
I first fell in love with Moxsie because of #Buyerchat. Followers have the opportunity to view online, new items that Moxsie buyers are considering. Followers are engaged by writing in and conversing with the Moxsie buyers on every item. If they love your comments they DM you Moxsie dollars (I redeemed mine for Kelsi Dagger pumps and then twitpic'd the delivered product back to Moxsie). Anyone that indulges my need to be buyer for a day has my heart. http://shop.moxsie.com/

@Bergdorfs (Bergdorf Goodman):
PR representative for Bergdorf Goodman has become my glamorous social media sister. She taught me (and thousands of others) how to do a perfect cat eye (you'd never believe where she tells you to put a line), how to properly clean my brushes, and that Shulwasoo gives you beautiful skin. #BGtutorial (@Bergdorfs) followers learn the latest beauty tricks, fashion trends, and a little bit about NYC. http://www.bergdorfgoodman.com/

Needs no introduction- captivating tweetress and queen of social media. Her bio states that she is the inside scoop on the behind the scene world of New York Fashion (will never be able to describe how useful that is to the Canadian Fashion Girl). At over 250,000 followers she has created a brand in herself. She sarcastically refers to her online status updates as 'her conscience' but ultimately does a fabulous job of engaging followers in fashion week, DKNY operations, events, award shows, and she renewed my love for Gossip Girl (#GG) and candy. http://www.dkny.com/


Unknown on 6 April 2011 at 10:05 said...

Well said. I quite enjoyed your insights, and totally agree with your comments about the digiverse.

Jill on 8 April 2011 at 22:06 said...

Sooo how do I get one of those beach hats delivered to my door ;)

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